Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chapter 1: The D.C. 1 Disaster

     The Earth rising as you crest over the dark side of the moon is an awe-inspiring sight. That is exactly the reason Admiral Armstrong had requested permission to perform the maneuver. Admiral Joseph M. Armstrong was tall, articulate, and yet imposing. All good qualities when it came to commanding the E.D.S. Endeavour 7, Earth's largest and most powerful starship. The ship was returning from a six-month deep space research mission, one that was quite successful. After that amount of time away from solid ground, seeing the Earth rise seemed to bring back the humanity that was slowly slipping away in deep space. Every holoscreen on the ship displayed the view, and for a moment the whole crew, human and alien alike took the time to appreciate it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


     Earth. A spec of dust in a never ending expansion of Spacetime.  There are more stars in our universe than grains of sand on this Earth. A spec of dust.  One that was given a gift. A gift taken for granted. Earth supports life. Unique to planets that happen to form in the Habitable Zone of it's mother Star. A critical yet extremely rare occurrence for Solar Systems. The debate on weather Life exists on other planets is as old as the discovery of the planets themselves. All the math pointed to "YES". All the tangible evidence pointed to "NO". We were ignorant to think we where special. That we where the only intelligent life in spacetime.
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