Sunday, January 16, 2011


     Earth. A spec of dust in a never ending expansion of Spacetime.  There are more stars in our universe than grains of sand on this Earth. A spec of dust.  One that was given a gift. A gift taken for granted. Earth supports life. Unique to planets that happen to form in the Habitable Zone of it's mother Star. A critical yet extremely rare occurrence for Solar Systems. The debate on weather Life exists on other planets is as old as the discovery of the planets themselves. All the math pointed to "YES". All the tangible evidence pointed to "NO". We were ignorant to think we where special. That we where the only intelligent life in spacetime.

     The mathamaticians where right. Statistically speaking it was inevitable. The date was December 21, 2012 when they first made their presence known. The Mayans had it right, life as we knew it on planet Earth changed forever. Initial contact was made by Voyager 2 as it passed Neptune. The general public had no idea how close to Armageddon by Nuclear War they were. The tensions between the United States and North Korea had reached a point that seemed irreconcilable. Both Nations and several Allies where poised with "The Finger On The Button". But for some unknown reason it was over. Within seconds of both sides agreeing to a cease fire to meet towards "A World Unification Towards Peace" it happened.

     Voyager 2 received a radio transmission. It was a playback of the Voyager Golden Record. Only the voices where Alien. It was not an exact playback. The music and sounds where from Alien instruments, landscapes, storms, winds, and animals. Before the governments of earth could react every device capable of receiving a signal of any kind received the message. The first few weeks where maddening. Faced by an alien encounter the governments did their best to maintain order and prepare for physical contact.

   It was the Religions of The Earth that suffered the most. Faced with the fact that there was life beyond earth and it's Gods was nearly to much. Some religions fell apart. Others would gain power and stature never before imagined. The leaders of the faithful worked in tandem with the government as earth prepared for it's visitors.

    Contact was a slow drawn out process.  The aliens took time to let the earth react and acclimate themselves to the idea of intelligent life on their doorstep. They knew the earth well. They had been watching us for the last several thousand years. They had been visiting and living among us nearly as long. We blew off encounters and abductions as acts of psychosis, lies, and drug induced stories. Even though many of them described seeing the same type of being, The Greys. They where not lies or crazy stories, it was all real. When the first pictures where beamed to earth revealing their identity there was public outcry.  Who where they to come to our world and experiment on us. Weeks went by as the governments struggled to maintain order and decide where they truly stood on the subject.

     Knowing full well that this was the most likely response from the Human Race, the Greys had been ready for this moment. A dozen ships arrived just outside earths atmosphere on January 23rd, 2012. Each one a perfect sphere, and black as the night sky. Perfectly camoflauged for space flight. And with no atmosphere to contend with space flight ended being much different than in science fiction stories. The ships shapeshifted into aerodynamically functional shapes and entered earths atmosphere. Each one arrived at the most sophisticated pharmaceutical research centers on the planet and delivered alien Antibodies and a message.

     "We are of peace. We seek to gain and share knowledge of our great Universe. It is understandable that you may take a defensive position. We share this gift with you, in good faith that you will honor our attempt at friendship. We apologize for the secrecy of our existence for such an extended period of time. But we believe with the reciept of this gift and the realization that this is real, that you would have done the same after watching your civilization nearly annihilate it's self. We are of peace, and seek to gain and share knowledge".
     The antibodies were a cure all to most of the diseases and common illnesses that inflicted Earth.  It was a powerful gift.  And many began to wonder the price for such gifts.  What could earth provide for such a technologically advanced alien race?  A new home perhaps?  No.  The Grey's as we call them where from a galaxy over 11 billion Light-Years away.  To us LBG-2377 as we called it, appears to us as it did that long ago.  And to us it is an infant.  And in that time the planet Kydori was formed and gave life to the alien race who were now at earth's doorstep.  But the atmosphere of Kydori was nearly the opposite of Earths in ratio to carbon dioxide and oxygen.  A new home was an unlikely request if they could not breath.

     There were gifts we could offer we found as time progressed.  It seemed that our antibodies helped cure some afflictions among the Greys.  Our nearly infant views on the Universe gave rise to new ideas, theories, and the lust to explore.  As it turned out the Greys where not the only ones out there.  As time eased on and the Greys and Humans earned each others trust, they revealed to us many secrets.  But this was met with nearly as much hostility as it was good faith.

     The Greys revealed to us that two more worlds were inhabited by intelligent life.  The youngest of the three and second furthest away from Earth at 13 billion light-years away was Cha-Isa.  A massive world with over a hundred moons.  The gravity on such a large planet is much stronger than that of Earth's, resulting in squat and muscular humanoids.  They looked like an exact cross between Human and Greys, with massive strength in comparison.  They are very recluse and militant.  At this current time in spacetime the Cha-Isa were committed to exploration of the Universe, but as we would come to find out their government was pushing to seal the galactic boarders of Cha-Isa.  The influence of Alien culture was being frowned upon.

     Terranda is a planet at about 21 billion light-years away, the furthest from Earth and harbored the most intelligent life to be found.  Terranda was the home to artificial intelligence. A bio-mechanical world where nearly everything you could see had conscious thought.  They "grew" all of their vehicles, homes, and what ever else you could think of.  They were very curious, and had discovered the other two races.  But iminent disaster was upon their world.  Their galaxy was merging with another larger one.  This is an awesome display of the power of the Universe as they collide and stars, planets, and moons are flung into space.  When all is settled you can only hope the galactic realignment puts your world in a safe place.

     With contact and the sharing of technology the Human race gained millions of years of knowledge in the span of a thousand.  We had all allied our selves in the name of intelligent life.  We began our own space programs as time went on, but galactic exploration was a very serious matter.  And even with all the advances made certain rules still applied.  And even technology had it's limits in trying to break free of the physics of the Universe.  But General Relativity was no longer theory, but fact.  Traveling the huge distances of the Universe was a challenging venture.

     We learned to travel at the speed of light, or as close to it as possible with what we called the Bussard Drive.  The Bussard Drive is bassically a hydrogen fusion ram jet engine. But even at those speeds it would take the equivalency in time to space. So traveling a billion light-years would take just that long.  One billion light-years traveling at light speed.  And no way of knowing what's in front of you as the Universe changes around you.  There were Wormholes scattered in relatively close proximity in space.  Short planetary jumps were feasible, but staying at the speed of light to long had some bizarre effects, namely the slowing of time in the space relative to you.  Day's become months, month's turn to years.  The use of light-speed was strictly enforced in the four habitable solar systems.

     The loss of gravity was another problem for extended space travel, and colonizing new moons and planets.  The humanoid body begins the evolution process almost immediately, shedding muscle and bone mass.  To counter this problem two solutions were found.  One was shared to us from our new Universal Allies.  It was a super dense metal.  Malanium had extreme mass and when enough was placed in a space craft it formed it's own gravity.  But increasing the mass of a space craft to that magnitude had some risks.  If comets or asteroids got to close they where sucked in by the ships gravity, and any collision in space was a dangerous proposition.

     The other form of gravity for space travel was an invention of man.  The Hadron Gravity Inducer or H.G.I.. Modeled after the Large Hadron Collider, it slammed two particles together with such force it created minute a black hole, which was used for gravitational purposes.  The dangers with this device are self explanatory.  But the H.G.I. was able to be controlled and manipulated by feeding, or restricting dark matter to the black hole.

     With all these advancements and the human nature to explore we were ready to take to the stars.  But we were kept on a short leash for quite some time as we learned the rules of colonizing, and harvesting the resources of dead planets and moons.  Any planet that supported life of any kind was off limits.  Life must be given the chance to evolve.  There was also the use of the wormholes, which was strictly regulated, and many of them were unexplored.  You never knew where in spacetime you might shoot out of from an unexplored wormhole. That is why we formed the U.A..

     The U.A. or Universal Alliance was the name given to the universal government that was set into place.  It was much like the earth's form of democracy.  They governed all worlds, moons, and colonies.  They had the final say over all aspects of universal politics.  It was made up of equal constituents from all major religions, and planets of the universe.

     Three things were clear from the outset of contact with alien races.  We all shared a tendency towards violence in our primitive states of evolution.  We all fought wars on our home worlds.  We all had a similar humanoid form, and we all practiced religion.  The question had to be asked.  Why?  It was an answer that many wanted to search for with fervor, others wanted just as badly to stop universal expansion.  Arguments for both sides held truth.  Those for expansion tended to believe that we were "seeded" into existence.  Put on our respective planets by an older more advanced civilization.  It was their obligation to do the same, and even possibly to find the ancient beings. The other side of the argument were the creationists or isolationists.  They believed that their god had created all the universe.  We were given our worlds to cherish.  We were the stewards of our respective planets and to expand was to play god. 

     After 1034 years, the year 3045, Universal Date or U.D.  23.53.18 the U.A. seemed as thoug it would see it's firs intergalactic war.  The debate over expansionism versus isolation had reached what seemed to be a point of no return.  Under the influence of the churches Cha-Isa closed it's galactic borders and was standing firm on policies of isolationism.  This act was catastrophic.  Many colonies from each world were left with no supplies as trade with Cha-Isa and it's colonies closed or greatly restricted.

     This is where our story begins.  The U.A. struggles to keep the peace.  Cha-Isa had been stubbornly refusing talks to negotiate, and intergalactic terrorism had become a reality.  After 23 thousand years of galactic peace war was knocking on our door.  And no one could foresee what devastation such a war could have...

Prologue done!  Next is chapter 1! And the story kicks into gear....
Well that's it for now, not done by a long shot with the synopsis but gotta go to bed! I'll continue soon! enjoy and let me know what you think!

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